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I plan to go to see the doctor again next month desu.

this is where I hurt desu.

it is around this place in the picture desu.

it has not hurt until I try to lift my lower butt up desu.

I have read a lot about this and there is something that I need to make sure desu.

need to be sure that it's not cancer or a tumor behind the bone desu.

I do not think it's a muscle pain desu.

when I move, there also have an air crack sound from my bone just like it happens with my finger desu.

and this already 2-month desu.


the first 10 days will be back to do the 500 yen services ne.

and the next 10 days will be 10,000 yen plan as always desu.

and the last 10 days will be Maxi Ver002 desu.

next month Fanbox still work but, it will be about how to move everyone to Discord before December desu.


how to join Buymeacoffee desu.

入会方法 Buymeacoffeeです





News update desu. Gonna rest a bit ne. check all pm around tonight desu. Current work about 75-80 % desu.