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hai, request number 045 desu.

supposed to focus on Yoruichi-san but Orihime happens to be my favorite desu.

about work desu.

look like there are a lot of parts that need to be fixed desu.

the foot and hand and upper body and the head part,

because I decide to do all the parts by not depending on the perfect geometry in order to try to draw and redraw and take time to try to understand their 3D desu.

if this keeps going on and repeating, I believe that I can truly level up desu.

I just realized recently that the most reliable forbidden fruit technique of mine is not Hentai's desire but the desire to get a more powerful desu.

I mean the motivation to move forward gives me the most excitement desu.

the power to open more places more opportunities to play, something like that desu.

just like I learn how to read the different languages in order to understand everything more desu.

and I have seen how all of this it works all my entire life desu.

it's almost like there is the level-up sound that suddenly pops up out of nowhere desu.

that means I have leveled up something desu.

that means I come to the right way desu.

what I expect from this is the concrete ratio that I lack desu.

all I have to do is repeat and take time to work on it desu.

[all of the hints and directions also thanks to Kadokawa school desu]

there are a lot of artists and creators who refuse the school knowledge desu.

but instead of convincing them by words,

I think the best way is to show them the results desu.

if the RPG project does not work, then this is going to be my last resort desu.

I pick RPG because even with the low budgets people can create powerful hentai works desu.

and I really like the concept of team play desu.

I strongly believe that the powerful Hentai's pieces of works must come from the work that a lot of people put each of their best of what they are good at into the work desu.

will upload the color part soon ne.


and will keeps updating news below desu.




News update desu. Need to charge the Ipad desu. Going to rest for today ne.


Current work about 70% desu. Going to eat something and back to work soon ne.


hai, going to rest for today desu. next is request number 054 ne.


News update desu. Currently working on request number 054 desu. Will upload some progress soon ne.


Yessssss ichi and Yoruichi 👏👏


hai, supporters with Maxi points can request here ne. I can put Yoruichi-san x Ichigo inside your Fanbox account and the list too desu. https://maxi.fanbox.cc/posts/839620