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this month's compensation is Rukia-chan desu.

this little service will be complete at the end of the month desu.

too bad ne, I failed to put Orihime on lately desu.

because I try some new type of ratio on her,

after training with Kubo-san original work desu.

she is the only one who I get used to working with the most desu.

but I feel like getting near to complete the new ratio more and more desu.

about 10,000 yen support plan desu.

they might be late again ne.

but I already got everyone's name desu.

will inbox to you guys later ne.

this an example work of one hour per day drawing with Kubo-san original work desu.

and this is the result of the new type desu.

but this is still far from complete desu.




ah, a little more desu. the new type is not ready yet desu. I will go with the old type until I complete studying with Kadokawa academy desu.