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[newcomer, please do not skip ne]

lately, there are a lot of PM come to me desu.

Most of them show me that a lot of people still not understand what is going on around here desu.

my lazy brother is the one who read all of them and translates them for me,

and I already told him that do not mention the toxic comment to me desu.

Anyway, I gonna complain and show all my followers what is going on around here,

and about who am I desu.

ten years ago I still Satisfied with all the old VN hentai desu.

Binikunokaori, sister scheme1-2, and some more that I did not remember desu.

but after taste all of old VN hentai I no longer have anything to consume desu.

so I wait for the better VN Hentai to come desu.

but I think the VN hentai era is already ending desu.

current VN hentai to me now is just like some porn movie

with poor plot poor story poor acting desu.

something that you eat and never fill your stomach desu.

what I need to eat is quality work desu.

I do not want to waste my life eating some low work quality forever desu.

so I try to figure out what is the problems?


[the more you sell the more you succeed] concept desu.

so now I bet some of your guys already figure out why I am here ne.

If I can make some good quality work I would never start the [RPG Project]

I can not satisfy myself with my own work desu.


I can start something that makes all the developers remember desu.

[why are we making the game?]

just a simple question that I gonna put into the RPG Hentai desu.

that why I not here to sell

I not here to make money.

I not here to waste my life for the other desu.

I here to offer you guys the better Hentai game era desu.

I here for you guys to bet your money on my agenda desu.

I here to share my goal with you guys desu.

I alone can not make a better Hentai era desu.

I do not have money, I not the best CG maker, I not high-class Hentai,

not a musician, I not good with technology, I do not know how to make the game.

but I know what I love to eat desu.

that why I going to use whatever it takes

to make the quality Hentai game just like the old-time desu.

I know it sounds crazy but it possible desu.

because right now we got a lot of Hentai artists with powerful Ideas

and powerful CG more than in the past desu.

we can work together with people around the world to complete the task desu.

I already got a lot of people who hate me desu.

that why I going to show who I am here and now desu.

because my project now depends on the time I have left.

If I got not enough money for the building in these 3-4 years,

then I need to live alone in some apartment desu.

If you guys going to support me it going to be now desu.

we supposed to live in the great Hentai era by now desu.

that why I going to do something about it with your guy's support desu.

I just get tired of waiting for someone to do it desu.

we need to be the ones who going to start the RPG project desu.

thank you for reading desu



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