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the secret part will be short animation for this week's desu.
I want to try something a bit different desu
but not sure if this gonna work or not yet desu

about problems and detail about new plan support desu
4 years of time limit before we have to move out desu
My uncle [the current true houshold] plans to start his business here
And his worker have to use this place desu
But due to a lot of problems
Our current cook-san have to move out
And my uncle decided to start his project now
And my brother who does nothing will have no choice to join his crew desu

My uncle thinks of me and my lazy brother
here as freeloader desu
He did not plan to talk until we show him what we can do now desu

right now an old lady[new member] and my lazy brother on my side to take the head of the household desu

the old lady can cook and clean
she heard all story so far from my grandmother desu
she might be someone who comes from dark age but she accepts all my concept on work desu
that why she plans to have a deal with us

If this success
my lazy brother will take the head of household
and I will be the consulting
and we can be able to work in the best condition desu

we first talk about moving out before but
we have no backup like credit to buy a building
or big place enough for the team
that why we need more time
that why we still need my grandmother place to prepared desu
[That also why I am in a hurry to get that 20000 $
To start the RPG project to buy the building desu]

I also do not want to lose my lazy brother
and the current plan
and if my uncle be the head of this household
he will not accept my request and treat us like some kid like some freeloader desu

that why I need to fight back now desu
all we need to do is
show the uncle that this place already take by us
and show him that we can afford to take care of people in the house
and no problems with the investment desu

I will not force your guys to join this fight
that why I will just move
100 yen [CG progress] to 500 yen [CG progress] desu
the secret part will always be 300 yen desu
the rules will be the same desu

with the current supporter, I only need half of you guys to join to make this possible desu
this 200 yen different will be enough to guarantee the payment for the old lady who does the cleaning and cooking desu

If possible I want to know what you guys think about the new plan on 500 yen of CG progress too desu

I will not start this plan right away desu
this is just the possibility that we have to go that far
to call for more backup support from your guy's desu

if my lazy brother can become the head of this household
we will be able to eat healthy food desu
and people in this household will take things more serious about science desu
and everyone is Equal desu

If we gonna stay we need to fight desu. this place still not the place for work that I have in mind desu.

about my uncle's side concepts desu. he not a bad guy or someone with bad intentions desu. he just wants to hire people to put into the grandmother's place. income outcome will be there for my grandmother for living desu. but If we can show the uncle of what we can do then we will rule be able to keep this household for 4 years desu. and after that, we will have to leave desu

what is the difference is just the concept of the rule desu. and I believed that my uncle will not be the good rulers as my lazy brother with me and Fanbox team support desu

These problems should already solve by now if my lazy brother start working on his Pixiv to start the Fanbox on One piece desu

If we do not fight back now we will lose a lot of time and the best conditions like proper supply and healthy cared for work desu . That why I will be forced to move out but do not worry if we do not win this war. I can just move out to the city and rent someplace to work and order the food instead desu . With current support, it will be fine desu. But again that means the less of possibility on RPG project desu

thanks for reading and understand desu




we almost got the relative to work for us but she thinks that we have no guarantee for living desu. that why this time I will have to need this support plan desu. the old lady is the only one who said that she has nothing to lose to bet her life with us desu.


I wish you the best of luck, we will continue to support you on your future projects! Stay safe <3


I can support you for this month and next month for 10000


I hope we will find another solution instead of call for more support in this critical moment desu. But There are still time before my uncle start to make move desu. It might be next month or next 2 month desu. at least I hope for when Covin 19 is end desu.


yes me me too we support you and be save and i hope you get whay you want for you and your family take care ^^


that is unfinished of my lazy brother work desu . If he takes this more serious RPG would already start desu. I really want to put the bullet in his legs desu


News update desu. look like Nemu-san work will move to next weeks again due to the risk of being late on the current secret part desu


news update desu. on 12 , 15 and 17 will be power outage desu. but I already prepared for this moment desu. electronic which can work on the power outage time that I order them have already arrived desu . that means I can be able to work with the best condition even without electricity for 4 hours desu. I will test them out tomorrow desu