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Progress on new mouse pen desu.
I plan to test all different technic epically in coloring but my EXP is not enough yet desu. so there will not have any change on CG style this month desu

working with Wacom Cintiq pro 24 gives me more accuracy on the drawing
but makes not much different on coloring desu.

the new problems are that I have to rest every 30 minutes
to prevent the back pain desu

that why maybe in the future I will use them only for drawing and do the color with the normal mouse pen desu.
that way I do not have to take a rest desu.

my speed did not get better but
I can not say yet that if this wroth the investment or not desu
but for now, this Wacom Cintiq pro24 is fun to use for drawing desu.
I do not have to draft with many lines as before desu

I will buy more chair and table soon in this month desu
[about 40,000 yen desu]

thank you for support again this month desu
I will keep doing my best as always desu.




nice nice , wacom cintiq pro 24 , i have't draw digital and i want start it but still confused choice wacom c pro 16 or ipad pro , maybe coloring not all apps not like each others , and sorry not active in last month 👋🏻


I never have a chance to try them desu. that why I have to buy all the versions to test them out desu. If I have to recommend then it would be best to go for Wacom Cintiq pro 24 because the screen is wide for reference and place to put the hand on for better line control desu.


but for eyes and healthy with long working hours I would also recommend having two types of Wacom desu . that is the Intuos Pro Medium the Onii-chan of Wacom Cintiq pro 24 desu.


example for me will use Intuos Pro Medium on color and Wacom Cintiq pro 24 on drawing and line cutting desu . that why I plan to buy new desk and chair to make it easy to swap them to working faster desu.just like Nitoryu concept desu.


oh , before i talked with you i was talked with artist i asked her about her tablet and today showed it it's Wacom Intuos she said its proffisonal but she will get other computer and screen ((mobile studio wacom)) another way,


i still learn draw in papers and pencil but i'm tired from alot papers , and softwares of draw and paint i think they are so diffcult ☺️


News update desu. look like first week on this month might end up with not much progress desu . I need to use time for upgrade the working place prepared for new mouse pen that cintiq pro 24 with the old one to work together desu