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An update on the production of 'Widow's Score' and some bonus stuff. Hey everyone! Here's another update on the 'Widow's Score' story I'm currently working on, as well as some bonus images which I've made in the mean time since I haven't posted in a while. I've pretty much completely figured out structure that I want my story to have. It's gonna have the main story (which may need to be split into parts) and 3 animations. The story scenes are complete, the animations still need to be built up, recorded and edited. I also improved the D.va and Tracer models, D.va has some body improvements and tracers hair is using a new model which looks 10 times better. Progress is slow but steady! This will 100% be my biggest work so far in terms of effort and time, I hope that It'll be worth it! Since It's been a while since my last post I've attached some bonus images. The first 4 images are sneak peaks into what I've been working on in the story. I don't think im happy with the name 'widow's score', so if you think you know of a better name, please let me know! The Images after are unrelated. The set of D.va knocked out on top of Hanzo won't be in the story.




I'm looking forward to seeing the story and also the animations!


Hm if you're not happy ith the title then i throw me opinion in the Ring. How about "A favor for a favor" i don't know if that sounds better, but it would probably make a good explanation for the story.


By the way. I have this picture now since years. I don't know who made it but hell i would kill if i could knew what came before and especially what will happen after. https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2381442 A complete Story for this Pic would be awsome. Of course just if you maybe have the time and inspiration.


Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.