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Chun-Li "Kyaaaaaahhhh!" man "Nuh-ha-ha-ha! Great victory yiiiiiiiiiii!" Chun-Li: "Wooooo! Ughhhh...gg...... ughhhh!" man "Oh my gosh! Chun-Li, you puked, you've ruined a beautiful woman, sorry, sorry. Chun-Li: "What strength.... I didn't know that there was such a master among the remnants of Shadaloo..." man "After Chun-Li destroyed the organization, I had a hard time - I was arrested even though I was just an office worker." man "I've trained to get Chun-Li pregnant since then. Chun-Li "Get me pregnant...? man "Heh heh....I've finally reached this moment...I'm so happy, Then let's begin." enjoy 春麗「きゃあああああああああああ!」 おじさん「ぬははっははははは!大勝利ぃいいいい!」 春麗「っ!!うぐぅうう…がっ……うげぇええ!」 おじさん「あららら!春麗ちゃんゲロ吐いちゃった、美人が台無しだよゴメンゴメン」 春麗「なんて強さ…なの。シャドルーの残党にこれほどの使い手がいたなんて…」 おじさん「春麗ちゃんに組織を壊滅されてからおじさん苦労したんだよ~ただの事務員なのに逮捕されたんだからね」 おじさん「あれからアルバイトしながら春麗ちゃんに怒りの種付けするために頑張って修行したんだよ」 春麗「た、種付け…?」 おじさん「ぐへへ…ついにこの時がきたんだね…おじさん嬉しいよ。それじゃ始めよう」 この事務員強すぎだろ…




Awesome. Keep up the great work.


Great! Is there a continuation for this?


I became a supporter to see this work and would love a continuation.


Thanks for your support. I can't promise to draw it, but I'll try to think of a continuation.