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八尺家の一大事の回の後、追加エピソードの一部ラフです('ω') この弓子と崖丘先輩のくだりはcomico版のラストにはあったけどその後の「完全版(全10巻のやつ)」ではカットしたやつですねぇ せっかくなのでまた入れました|д゚)




This is SUPER Cute!!!


"Kyuujou?" --- "Keigaoka-senpai! It's been so long, hasn't it." - "Did you cut your hair?" "Yes, I thought it'd make for a slight change of pace." - "Does it look good now?" - "Ahh... yes, it most certainly does." "I think it's lovely how mature it looks." --- "Ryuugo-kun, you certainly are a sweet-talker, aren't you~" "What're you talking about, dude!?" - "W-Well then... I'll see you later, Kyuujou." "Ah... later." - [You're red all the way to your ears~] [Shaddup, man!] - >Restroom doorway (note) --- >In front of the mirror (note) >Appear (sfx) "UWAAAAGH!" >Badump (sfx)


--- "Yumi-chaaaaaaaan! Help me~!" "W-What is it, you... (So unreasonable.)" - "What's wrong?" "I forgot to do my Classic Literature homework, so lemme copy yours~!" "What am I gonna do with you..." - "If you forget to do Ogisen's assignments, they slap you with detention, so...~!" "Yeah, yeah. Fine, I get it. (Off to the classroom we go, then.)" - "By the way, what was with that little smile you were making in front of the mirror?" "I...I wasn't smiling at all, okay!!"