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Hey there!

I just wanna let you know that I will be taking a break after this weekend, at least until beginning of May. Don't wanna write down a mile long story, here's what it is: There are times where I just feel burned out and after doing this for around 4 1/2 years I don't even know what a free weekend feels like anymore. I need to refresh my batteries for a while.

But don't you worry, I still have some content I will release and I'd like to share some previews with you, some of them still need a little work but nothing major.

The Sherry Anal Training animation, I posted a preview a while ago, is almost done. I just need to finish up the sound on it.

I also scratched the "long Sherry animation", the male model was kinda weird to me and I couldn't fix it, so I started a new one, preview can be found below.

More Previews:

Alice, Emma and The Horse: https://files.catbox.moe/b339t2.jpg [Pics]

Alice, Emma and The Double Dildo: https://files.catbox.moe/zhqf28.gif [Animation]

New Long Sherry Animation: https://files.catbox.moe/9eqn3u.gif

I hope you look forward to these, I'll keep you up-to-date. 👋




We talked a while ago about you wanting to take a break. So now it is time. But take Teddy with you. The little lad could use a break too so he can recharge his batteries. So he can take care of your wild girls all the better afterwards.

Scott NSFW

Man, i'm new here but rest is important, and if you feel burned out then it's for the best that you take a time for yourself! As for the WIPs, i'm loving the second one!


Cool. previews looking real nice


Enjoy your break and do something fun. :D


The double dildo one looks amazing! Can't wait to see the finished animation! In the meantime, enjoy your break!


Thanks for supporting me and my work. As for the double dildo animation: Should be released this month, needs a little tweak here and there.


Enjoy the rest. Just let us know if you will return or extend break once the month is over please.


Wow! The Sherry animation looks terrific! Nobody today really knows how to do a good missionary position, but you nailed it perfectly! So natural and intimate!


Still a long way to go, I only work on it from time to time cause otherwise I wouldn't have anything to post on here, I'm not the fastest when it comes to animating. 😅 But I love that you love it. 👍


Have a great break. We'll be here when you feel refreshed!


Enjoy the time off! Everyone needs to recharge once in a while.