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Hey everyone!

Small update because for a while some things will change and I gotta inform everyone about it!

I'm dealing with some health issues and cause of that I can't spend as much time creating art as usual until I figured out what's wrong.

If you do not want to support me any longer on fanbox then that's fine but I appreciate any continious support. I'm still working on things but most probably it will take longer for me to release stuff cause I just don't have enough time as before. Unfortunately I can not give any predictions on how long this will last. (I hope not longer than 2 months)

Anyway, here's a preview of my upcoming animation, hope you like what you see! 😊





Take care of your health issues, I'll stay a supporter and be here to welcome you back.


Bah! Been with ya this long, no point in jumping ship just cuz of delays. Just take yer vitamins and peanut butter!


Take all the time you need. No good will come of working with health problems to worry about


Health is the most important, an epic tease is just the cherry on the top.


Good luck in your battle on figuring out what's wrong. Take the time you need, because if you're healthy you can focus on your animations better. Health is much more important then doing animations