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Commission. Now I have an announcement, due to the new change in the terms of use of FANBOX (https://official-en.fanbox.cc/posts/6292234) I will have to stop and erase the discord reward from FANBOX because it could be misunderstood under the new terms. You could still visit it but I pretty much lost the incentive to keep it, so I don't know if it will stay in the long run.




Wrong link on discord. As for the files, if your discord access is restricted, I don't think they will take the time to join it and send an account proof so it should be safe? It is not unauthorized to have a place to "discuss" with your fans ;)


Fixed! Anything that drives to another website that doesn't have a complete access will be considered suspicious, even if it is only about discussion if they deem that it is not verifiable it will be against the terms of use. -wording of Article 5: Cancellation of Creator Registration, Item 2, No. 2 as follows. [after] "In cases where the company determines that the creator violated or is SUSPECTED of violating the pixiv master terms of use" Emphasis on suspected. -We have added the following content to Article 5: Cancellation of Creator Registration, Item 2, No. 2. [new] "In case the company determines that it is impossible to grasp the creator's activities in the individual service: or".


And if you put the discord link in your pixiv profile description and never talk about it? This suspected thing is inapplicable, just never mention you share different content elsewhere and people will have to find out themself. If they apply it severely they are shooting themself as most westerners will leave.


That might be an option, but I wouldn't want to risk my account for it and it might be investing with little to no returns... I will wait and see, there are other artists that have a discord, I would like to see what they do.


The link is still not fixed though, I still see "Sagiri and Elf" instead of something with just Sagiri and password does not even work lol


Gonna have to wait it out i guess sadly