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It's been a problem for me to choose what to do for a long time, I think I have been scattered in the themes I do (like going from one series to another, characters, even when it is +18 or just general), so I through on seeing what other people think I should do. I posted each image and I will do whichever gets the most likes/bookmarks from pixiv and twitter, you can bookmark the ones you like from my profile https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/27043439 I do think that it would be really nice if it were something that fans from here had as a benefit, but there's not many people here and I want that as many people to have their choice, so maybe in the future is something I do as exclusive insights and you get to choose. 長い間、何をするかを選択するのは私にとって問題でした.私は自分がするテーマに散らばっていたと思います. 私は、他の人が私がすべきだと考えていることを見てやり遂げます。 各画像を投稿し、pixivとtwitterのいいね/ブックマークが多い方を投稿します。プロフィールから気に入ったものをブックマークしてください https://www.pixiv.net/users/27043439 ここのファンが恩恵を受けられるものであればいいなとは思いますが、ここには人が少ないので、できるだけ多くの人に選んでもらいたいので、将来的にはそうするかもしれません。 独占的な洞察とあなたが選ぶことができます。




It's good to try and evaluate how you want to do things moving forward. I think what you've been doing so far has been working well, though I can understand worrying that it might feel aimless, as well as the inherent conflict between wanting to give special content to people here while also not excluding those elsewhere.


Sorry for the late response!. Thanks, it helps me to know people have been liking what I do. Though I still want better results; be better rated, more following, etc., this evaluation is more to help me with the problem of having a lot of ideas and not knowing what to do, as I see it, I might appeal to some people with one thing and then do something too far apart from that. I know I could post only the most popular characters and be more popular, but my desire/love for others is strong too. So it feels easier to put out my ideas and come to terms with whatever the result is, even if they are only the most popular/trending ones.