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おはようございます。 昔のイラストを見つけたので投稿します。 モノクロで仕上げたモリガンです。 確か友人達と同人誌を合作しようということになり描いた1枚です。 結局友人達と時間が取れずにイラストは揃わず、同人誌が出来ることは無くこのイラストも表に出すことが無かったような・・・。 Good morning. I found an old illustration and am posting it. It is Morrigan, done in black and white. I think it is one of the illustrations that I drew when I decided to make a coterie magazine with my friends. In the end, my friends and I didn't have enough time to make the illustration together, so the magazine was never published and this illustration was never shown....



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