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こんにちは。 この3連休、熊本も台風が来ていて外出が出来ませんでした。 せっかくの連休が・・・・。 幸い自分が住んでいる地域は停電もなく被害もほとんどありませんでした。 とりあえず台風も過ぎていったので一安心です。 この時期って毎年台風が来ますよね~。 お待たせしました。 エルフのお姫様のイラスト完成しました。 グラマラスな感じでイメージ通り描けたと思います。 気に入ってもらえると嬉しいです。 Hello. For the past two days, there was a typhoon in my area and I was unable to go out. Fortunately, there was little damage and the typhoon passed over, so I am relieved. This is the time of year when typhoons come in Japan every year! Thank you for your patience. The illustration of the elven princess is now complete. I think I was able to draw it as I imagined, with a glamorous look. I hope you like it.






I love the shading and the details on her clothing, jewelry, and expression. Her thoughtful facial expression is also good. However, I think she would look even better if her breasts were smaller. They're so big they look unrealistic and uncomfortable.