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  • Helm Vore Final.mp4



Finally is here!!!! The animation that everyone was waiting is finally here!!!!!! Man, I really loved doing this little project and the big support that recievied, I really hope everyone can enjoy it and love it as I done it doing it!!!! Only a few notices, Unfortunally meanwhile doing the animation that is a practice I go out of budget and time, So I hope I can recover once I go direct making some comms and the pred poll winner for now XD And about future animated projects with "Dreams Come True" are planned, but due Time and Budget problems I think for the next two months I will not be able to do another animation as big like this one, and this was supposed to be only a practice, the future Animations will be bigger!!!!! <3 As I said before, Depending on how much support are recieving the Patreon and Fanbox, that will decide if go with the animations even in less time than planned! And again, Thank you so much to everyone for make this little project possible, I'm so happy to do it <3
