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Hello hello everyone! today is day 18 of janetober and todays theme is "Your mom ate my dog!" or "Dead alive" or "Braindead"I don't know, it was made in kiwiland...

"- Cop: So let me get this straight... All this bloody mess was started by a rat monkey, an hybrid resulted from the rape of tree monkeys on Skull Island by plague-carrying rats, who was transported illegaly to new zeland and killed by an old woman who was bitten and turned into a giant monster pig-rat, somehow, and attacked a group of children turning them into flesh eating zombies?!

- Jane: Uhh... yes?

- Cop: And the zombie baby where that came from?

- Jane: Ehhhh... it was... not me hehe... it was... the kung-fu priest that turned into a zombie too, I swear!"

This movie is weird... I love it XD



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