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Skebのご依頼絵です! 着衣で肥満化ということで、控えめだと肉々しさが足りないよなぁ...と思いまして、おっぱいもお腹も太ももも、ぜーんぶでっかく描いてみました。 普段は、肌色成分多めで、特にお腹は丸見えなので盛らなくても肉感は出てるんじゃないかなーと。だから、全部盛りにすることはあまりないのでレアですよ、こういうの!(笑) ご依頼絵では、普段描かない娘や体型、シチュエーションでイラストを描くことが多いので、色々悩むこともある一方でいろんな発見がありますね。 まだまだ知らない、気づいていないことはたくさんあるなぁと描き終わったあとに思います。描いてる途中はウンウン唸ってそれどころじゃないんですけどね。 皆さんにもっと喜んで頂ける絵が描けるよう精進します! I have been posting English translations of the text of the articles, but since it needs effort and you can read them in your native language using the Google translate function, then I will stop for now. However, I will try my best as much as possible to translate the dialogue and other parts of the manga. I hope you will understand as I will focus on drawing pictures.




I like the situations that pretty female characters eating some high calorie-things, even though they should lose weight. If there were not burned traces on the cloth, I would think that it was torn because of obesity!


Thank you! It would have been nice to have a situation where she gets rapidly obese and her clothes tear, or she gets fat and is forced to put on clothes and tear them...( ˘ω˘)