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皆さんこんばんは! 日頃よりご支援いただきありがとうございます! 以前お見せした、冬コミ用カットの完全版を仕上げました。 自分で言うのもあれですが、この子すっごく可愛く描けてると思うんです。特にサークルカットにした右上の表情なんか、物憂げ+恥ずかしさ+悩ましさが混在した微妙なアンニュイさがぼくの推しポイントです。 そしてお腹のお肉は太った現実を認めざるを得ない、厚みのあるぽよっと感ですね。 こういう複数カットの絵、大好きなんですけど色塗るのはちょっと大変... でも楽しく描けました。 楽しいってホント大事ですよね。改めてそう思います。 明るく楽しく絵を描いて、皆さんに喜んでもらえたらうれしいですね。 次はSkebの絵を描きますのでお楽しみに~(*‘ω‘ *) A damsel in distress and her tummy (high quality version) Good evening everyone! Thank you for your continued support! I have finished the complete version of the circle cut for the Winter Comicmarket that I showed you before. I don't know if I should say this myself, but I think I did a very cute job drawing this girl. I especially like her expression in the upper right corner of the circle cut, which has a subtle ennui mixed with melancholy, embarrassment, and distress. And the belly is so thick and flabby that she have to admit the reality that she has gained weight. I love this kind of multiple-cut drawing, but it was a bit difficult to color... But it was fun to paint. Fun is really important, isn't it? I think so once again. I would be happy if I could make everyone happy by painting cheerful and enjoyable pictures. Next time, I will paint a picture of Skeb, so please look forward to it!(*‘ω‘ *)



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