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ボテ腹差分を作ってみました。 お腹にお肉がついていておっぱいが控えめな女の子が大食いしたときのお腹は至高...! 昨日の肌の塗りがなんかしっくり来なかったので、塗り直してみました。こちらの方がツルッとした質感になったかなと思います。 今回もセリフ付きの作品なので英語版を作ってみました。 また、英語版の記事も併記してます。 日本のみなさんも、英語圏のみなさんも、楽しんでいただけたらうれしいです...!!(*‘ω‘ *) 良かったら「❤ いいね」をお願いします!! またコメントやリアクションをいただけると、とっても励みになります...!! A girl of the type who uses her gluttonous constitution (available exclusively on support sites) I created a stuffed belly diff. The belly is supreme when a girl with a flabby belly and modest boobs eats a big meal...! Yesterday's skin paint didn't feel right, so I repainted it. I think this one has a smoother texture. I made an English version of this work again, this time with dialogues. The English version of this article is also included. I hope everyone in Japan and English-speaking countries enjoy it...! (*‘ω‘ *) Please "❤ Like" if you like! It would be very encouraging to receive your comments and reactions...!




Her full tummy is even cuter. Glad she can fill her belly and also work by being a food critic!


This job is truly her calling! However, if she continues to eat like this, she's going to get pudgy and fat. 😅 It's also lovely to see her wondering whether to be faithful to her appetite or maintain her figure...