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日常のありふれた一瞬を描きたいなと、ふと思って描きました。 スマホに集中しているとの姿勢って体への負担が大きい& この姿勢がクセになるとお腹がぽっこりしやすいんですよ... 脱いだら意外にぽよぽよって、なんだかワクワクしませんか? 良かったら「❤ いいね」をお願いします!! I love the dowdy naked hoodie... in the process of drawing I suddenly thought I would like to draw an ordinary moment in my daily life. The posture when you are concentrating on your phone is very hard on your body & when this posture becomes a habit, it's easy to get a flabby belly... Isn't it exciting to be surprisingly flabby when you take it off? If you like, please give me a ❤ like!



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