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Thank you for your continued support.

This is just an announcement this time.


I’m considering how to deal with a new item added to pixiv's terms and conditions called "Prohibited Items" regarding requests and other items involving money.




”Prohibited Items" are items that meet the following two conditions.


*The following are just examples, and may be subject to change in the future.


*Some items which do not contain such content may also be deemed Prohibited Items.

1・表現方法の具体例 Types of work (examples)

実写 Live action


Photo-realistic work that could be mistaken for live action


Works that cause concerns about whether their creation may have involved the victimization of living people or animals

2・表現内容の具体例 Work content (examples)


Sexual exploitation or sexual abuse of a minor

近親相姦 Incest

獣姦 Bestiality

レイプ(同意のない性的行為) Rape (or any other non-consensual sexual behavior)

人または体の非合法的な切断 Non-consensual mutilation of a person or body part


Any other content deemed inappropriate by pixiv



It seems that the result of adding the elements of item 1 + item 2 is the prohibited item, so basically my artwork should be safe.




I hope it's safe to draw anything with my design, but I can't just test it right away. I think I need to prepare for it.



So far I have not been offended about any past requests, so it may be okay, but I am suspending the request because I was in the middle of promoting the paper version of my winter Comiket doujinshi and also working on the electronic version, and I don't want a situation where my account might be suspended.

I will resume when I can afford to make other escapes root.



I am thinking of registering with Ci-en, which is run by DLSITE, after I register the electronic and English version of the Winter Comiket doujinshi I am working on, in order to deal with the part where I may not be able to draw bestiality, siblings, impio, etc. if there is money involved in requests, etc.

I haven't researched Ci-en in detail yet, so that may change, but I will try to find a place where I can have freedom of sexual expression when I receive requests.





As for requests, currently

We have made a low-cost request on pixiv, mainly for character designs based on soft expressions of boys and girls, such as touch, hugs and kisses.

For the time being, I will only accept requests for what seems safe.

Later, we may have a character similar to the one in the comic...


I am still in the process of digitizing and translating the Winter Comiket doujinshi, so I will probably make some decisions and move forward around the end of January at the earliest.


Basically, I think I will use this blog as it is, testing to see how far I can take it, as long as the management does not get angry with me.


I will first finish the digitization and translation work and then think about it, and will let you know if there is any further movement.


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