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Thank you all for your continued support!🙏✨✨


I apologize again for not updating this page for more than a month. I have been making corrections here and there while drawing, and I have been ill again, so my progress has been halted at times.😣


As the Winter Comiket is getting closer and closer, I'm starting to get impatient, so I'm working hard on it. As of last week, the overall length of the story has been finalized, and about half of the finishing work has been completed. The progress is as follows.😉

進捗 Progress

🚨終わった下描き64/64 終わったペン入れ64/64

🚨Drafts done 64/64 Pens done 64/64

🚨仕上げ 31/64 fix 31/64

表紙 0.3/2

cover art 0.3/2


The image is a clipping of the first 31 pages. In the page image in the bottom row, the callouts are blank in some areas because we are still thinking about them.



◆Changes since the last blog update

The length of the story was 48 pages at the beginning of the drawing, and 16 pages were added as a result, making the total story 64 pages long. The length of the story has increased by 6 more pages since the last blog (September 21 update).🙂


The image below is an additional part of the first half of the story. We have been waiting a long time for this update, so here is the finished image. From right to left are pages 24, 25, 28, and 29!😆


I thought it was a waste not to draw Jun in her happi-fundoshi, so I added it. In the scene on pages 24 and 25, Jun is wearing a happi loincloth in her fantasy, which makes Seia's heart pound, and in the scene on pages 28 and 29, she sees Seia's upper body nude in her fantasy, and she can't stand it any longer, so she lightly plays with a comfortable spot in the toilet.🤭


I hope you enjoy this addition to enjoy the little buds, tummy and hips.😉


In accordance with the increase in the number of pages, the work to hide the genitalia, which had been drawn in white, has been redrawn and changed to a black line correction. Even if they are hidden, it feels better to have them drawn in!😊




I am also thinking of translating the English version for foreign readers, but since there are so many pages and it would cost a lot of money to hire a translation company to do it all, I would like to do it in stages.

I'm thinking of selling my own translation (roughly like the translation of this blog) based on machine translation at DeepL, and when I have enough money, I'll ask a contractor to upgrade the version.

I think the DL version can be modified and updated.🤔


I think I will end up presenting my work during the winter Comiket season. I have become a typical person who gets carried away when there is no deadline... I have been reflecting on this.😫


I hope to start work on the cover by the end of next week... first I'll try to finish the other half!😆


Sorry for the irregular updates, but please look forward to the next update.😀✨



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