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Thank you all for your continued support!🙏✨✨


終わった下描き:9/48 終わったペン入れ:2/48


Yesterday was a day when I was so tired that I only managed to proceed with the preliminary drawing.🙂

Finished drafts: 9/48 Finished pens: 2/48

I'd like to make some progress on the penned-in part today!



Yesterday, I drafted pages 7 through 9.

It took me longer than I expected because I had to change the composition of the pages since the story was written.😓


7p: 遊んでいた時の回想から1ページ目の現在、着替え時に戻ります。 ジュンちゃんがいる部屋はジュンちゃんのお母さんが使っていた部屋で子供の頃のジュンちゃんのお母さんのものとおばあちゃんにジュンちゃんが買ってもらったものが混ざった部屋になっています。ジュンちゃんはおばあちゃんの家へ泊るときはこの部屋を使うことが多いです。🏡

They return from our recollection of when they were playing to the present on page 1, when they were changing clothes. The room that Jun is in is the room that Jun's mother used to use and is a mixture of her mother's as a child and the one that Jun was bought by her grandmother. Jun often uses this room when she stays at her grandmother's house.🏡


The bathing scene was almost all words on page 6, but I reconsidered that the figure Seia envisioned by Jun writhing in agony in this scene would be Seia in her skimpy briefs. I changed the scene from one in which the naked body is somehow on display. I was able to create an image with a solid connection.😊




Note to self.

The line about him writhing around as cool should be a touchy-feely type of line.

It should be in response to the "I want to bathe with you" line on the previous page.🤔



This page was also a scene where the progression of the first and second frames was somehow connected with a scene where Jun was just undressing, so I changed it to a scene where Jun was exploring her own body with her hands. I think it was good that the scene became one of Jun indulging in masturbation, which he had just learned.😌





The composition of the frames on this page has also undergone a major change. The original composition had a somewhat disjointed impression, with the masturbation depicted in a vague flow. So we changed the scene to Jun, who loves to masturbate on her clitoris and has her right hand firmly on her clitoris.

This change is a milestone for Jun, who has developed a habit of seeking stimulation for his sensitive body, and later in the story, he pushes Seia down with great vigor.😉




Here are the names this time.

I think it looks very different in comparison. When I'm working on a story, I'm often unable to imagine the detailed thoughts of the characters due to my will to move the story forward.

In the end, I can't get a clear image of the characters unless I have a solid picture of them. Because of this, I am often told that it is difficult to understand the story if I submit the story at the time of the story's drafting for commercial work.😓



Well, I managed to make some progress there for three days, and it is still good to keep a record of my progress, like a diary.😊


See you again for the next update.👦👧



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