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Thank you all for your continued support!🙏✨✨


It has been a slow process, but I have finally finished the name phase of the work on the book for the Summer Comic Market and have started the preliminary drawing work. I don't know if I will be able to finish it by the deadline, but I will do my best as much as possible.😆



This time I would like to introduce the preliminary drawing of the first 3p that I drew yesterday. I will work hard so that I can update my diary for a while.🙂



Now, for this story for the doujinshi, I am going to draw children who came to a summer festival in the countryside.


The kids who come out are about 4th grade, a little younger than usual.


The girl is Jun. She is tanned and has recently started to grow taller.


The boy is Seia. He is still tiny and has a constitution that prevents him from getting sunburnt.


Because of adjustments and other factors in the manga dialogue, we will not yet put it into English, but will briefly describe the scene for foreign audiences.😊



1p: Jun comes to her grandmother's house during summer vacation with her friend Seia, a boy. In this scene, she is excited as she is about to change into a yukata (a thin Japanese summer kimono) to go to a summer festival.👘



2p: Recollection, a little before the scene where they are changing clothes, Jun and Seia are playing soccer with their relatives in the countryside. Seia is wearing running clothes because he is hot. Seia and Jun are about half a head apart, with Jun being the bigger one.⚽



3p: Jun thanks Seia for coming to the country with me. Japan is a safe country for children, and the culture is very tolerant of children using trains, buses, and other public transportation alone at the age of about 9-10. However, they are often not allowed to ride alone, so it is often recommended that they ride in groups with friends.👦🤝👧


This time, I am inviting Seia to stay at Jun's grandmother's house. Seia is from a family that lives with her grandparents, so she has never been to the countryside to visit them. Jun's grandmother lives in an old town in the mountains, a two-hour train ride from the new urban residential area where Jun and his family live.🏘️🚃⛰️





This is how I did the name.

It took some time because it was the start of the overall drawing, so I drew comparatively more. It was easy to draw the drafts because the image was fixed.🙂



I'll try to keep it simple, as I don't want to write too many blogs and make it too hard to update. So, please look forward to the next update.😉



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