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Sorry I'll keep insisting but many of you haven't changed tiers yet to the new ones. Please do it if you can so I can avoid losing too many patrons when deleting the tiers :/ Thank you

Hello everyone,

Time to move to the next character. And today we'll talk about Fubuki.

If you've followed the previous posts you already know that Fubuki will be present in Slice of Venture Remake. The reason she wasn't around back in the original game was more a question of money than a personal choice (unlike Seth & Esther that were intentionally absent.)

So this time, we integrated her to the game, of course :p And no original design to show since she wasn't there. So I'm moving directly to the new design.

If you've been around for long enough, you probably know that JFC is working on illustrations for a future game that is in my game list to finish before I retire. This game focuses on Fubuki. As such, it was natural for us to base the design she'd have in SoVR on JFC's version. At lease physically. Because in terms of clothing, I have to admit we took a bit of time to figure out what we wanted.

In her future game, she has a very sporty look. I wanted to retain the idea while providing her different clothes. And it was harder than expected. Basically the goal was for her to wear something a bit less "girly" than most of the cast. In SoVO, she wears a simple T-shirt and jeans so nothing ubber sexy. As we tried different combination, we reached this.

Originally the suspenders weren't there but it felt a bit too "empty" as a global set of clothes so we added them. Not only the result wasn't looking good at all (and we all agreed on that) but of course, someone had to mention "Wait a sec... She's cosplaying as Misty here..." And once you see it, you can't unsee it :x

So we totally ditched the idea. I then showed a clothing style that I found interesting for her and while Peak isn't fond of it, I felt like it was a good idea. So we went for a 90's urban style.

The arms being the way I asked Peak to remove them from the front.

And then, colors...

I have no idea if you guys will like this style. Personally, I find it fitting for her. And it's refreshing to have something a bit more "western-like" instead of always trying to find the perfect anime-looking set of clothes. No sweat though. No matter how she's clothed, it doesn't prevent her from being the same Fubuki :p

Anyway, that's all for today. I'll see you in a couple of days but probably for a post about something else than character rework.

See ya o/




All of the new art looks amazing! Peak and you are really talented <3