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Hello everyone,

As you know the next update is about two main things: adding the last gameplay part of the brothel and polishing everything so that the game can be played smoothly.

In the previous post I showed you the big lines for the brothel mini-game, so now, I'll show you some things for that update. Keep in mind that those are just things I can show. There are many polishing elements that can hardly be shown. For example, it's now possible to pay back Zoey. Or I added all the Elizabeth scenes in the gallery (because I forgot to do it in the previous update because I'm stupid.)

So here are a few things I can show you.

First of all, a little change in the menu look. As you know, the rank system has been removed. So Kaya is now displaying her level only (much less confusing). The bars have been brought closer and the Horn. bar has been algined to the Quit button for a better symetry. Among the sub-menus we've removed the "Character" entry and added the "Load" entry.

The reason we removed the "Character" entry was because RPG Maker limitations about image display (which have more constraints than you could think) made us realize that no matter how we turned thing, it wouldn't look good (or at least not as good as we'd want.) So we decided something. This section was added because some people asked us a sort of compendium to read about people because the big cast of the game makes it easy to forget who's who. So there's not real obligation to have this INSIDE the game. As such, I'm working on a separate file (in InDesign) where all characters will be presented.

This way, it allows me to show you as many pics as I want without limitations (can show you those stripped version I had in store but never really had a chance to show) and do things exactly as I want since InDesign doesn't have any of the constraints of RPG Maker. Of course, this file will be added with the game starting this update and will be updated as the game's development progress. Just keep in mind it's meant for people who ALREADY played the game so it's spoilerish (I add text about stuff happening in the game when it's relevant).

Next, we have the text box revamp. I wanted something more neutral like the new menu we did a couple of updates ago so here it is. The box with names have also been tweaked. The name isn't above the head anymore but at least it's properly aligned to the text box (and there won't be overlapping pixels when they're semi-transparent during H scenes with darker lines like it used to.)

Something that I'm sure many people who play the game over and over again will like: we've implemented a quest log. Meaning the past quests already done are shown. That will help you keep track of what you've already done or not when loading an old save.

We've also added labels above places on the World Map.

For the moment, it's tricky to find something suitable for the mini-map so those labels are not working on the small version of the mini-map (they're good on the big version, though.) But at least, on the map itself, it'll make it easier to navigate (hopefully.)

There are other little things we've worked on but you'll see them all in the Changelog. Don't worry, the game will have its share of H stuff too :p The GoR with the goblins will be ready (they're different depending on who you're losing to, so instead of 2 GoR scenes, there will be 5 to unlock: 3 with the goblins and 2 with the goblin kids.) And there will be a couple of extra scenes that I'm sure you'll enjoy (including pixelated ones for those who like them.) So yeah, things are looking good for the release. I'll make an extensive test session from scratch to make sure everything works fine so that will take time as well, but all in all, we're in time :p

Last thing to mention: Exceptionally, due to schedule, Christmas holidays and the fact the team's leaving for Japan, this update will be directly available to the $10 tier. I can't aford to have it available one week just for the $20 tier because I need a maximum people to play it before I leave so I can be around to correct any bug people will report (cause after that I won't be able to correct anything for a moment :/) Sorry for the inconvenience.

I'll see you guys for one last post before the release so we can talk a bit about the progress on The Hunter 2 through the year.

See ya o/



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