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Hello everyone,

Let's continue our little travel in SoV3's (dead) journey :D

As I said last time, I'll keep on with the party characters. And I won't surprise many people by talking about Aleksia. And considering the amount of stuff I can share about her, she might be the only one featured in that post ^^'

Let's start by her original design

Aleksia's design wasn't quick to come up with but compared to Yuki, it was a relative breeze.

The major difference was about the physical attributes: Yuki didn't need to have her body designed much. Outside the sketches to adapt her age, the rest was already set in stone. While for Aleksia we had to create her from scratch. And despite this extra load of work, she overall took MUCH less time than Yuki. And that's because of a simple thing: unlike Yuki, I knew EXACTLY what I wanted with Aleksia.

It held in a few keywords:

- Gyaru (Tanned)

- Muscles

- High School Uniform

People around me were a bit skeptical when I brought up the combo (Peak included), but for some reason, the idea of a young girl from a fighting-oriented race (more or less barbarians but with brains) being pretty bulky but acting like a fully-fledged girl when seeing human-related stuff was great in my mind.

And sometimes, the result looks much worse than what you thought. Not this time. Do I like my own creation once more? Yeah. Though it's not really MY own creation, it's ours. Peak and I worked together to come up with it.

The hardest part was to combine Japanese school uniform with pieces of armor. Aleksia had to look both strong AND resistant enough to be able to fight with so much of her body exposed (what's the point of having a muscled woman if it's to hide everything under clothes?) And unlike in Terra where the more you're naked, the stronger you are no matter what, here, there was a good reason she wouldn't need THAT much protection.

Her right hand is the key of it. I absolutely don't remember how much of it I explained back then so let me give you the whole story.

Aleksia is part of the Shesleïz race (Oh yeah I never explained it but for people who didn't get it, the race name is a lousy pun (She slays)). I had written quite a lot of things about those that I'll detail later if people ask for it, but the important part here is their relation with earth magic. Basically, it's the only magic they can master but in return they're pretty good with it. Depending on the girl's mentality, some will develop offensive skills and others will develop defensive skills. But one characteristic among the race is that their link with earth magic is so deep that ALL Shesleïz warriors (so, females. I remind you that the "originality" of the race was that only females had such a body) are bound to have a body part constantly "stoned". Not that it can't move. Just that it's covered in stone and they can't undo it.

For Aleksia, it's the whole right hand. And it's the only reason she's wearing a glove on her forearm. She makes a complex out of it. Through it, I wanted to emphasize the fact that Aleksia could have her girly moments even if, in that specific case, it was more supposed to be something pretty serious (after all, even a man could hide his own out of disgust).

The possibility to use earth as a defensive tool was quite nice so here are some ideas Peak drew out of it. Of course, it doesn't mean Aleksia would never use that magic for defense only. But she was NOT supposed to be a Barbarian class despite her huge axe. She was actually supposed to be the equivalent of the Paladin class. Hence the prevalence of defensive skills.

The last thing I want to mention about this whole earth relationship is that one of the problems we had when designing new races for the game was that we needed them to be something more than just "humans". Cause outside of the muscles, Aleksia is just a tall muscled girl (ah yeah I forgot about that too, She's supposed to be like VERY tall, more than 2 meters high). So that stone condition appearing on all bodies was a distinctive element that would help identifying them.

A little talk about why she's wearing that cloak when she meets Yuki. Aleksia's behaviour (not favorizing offsensive strength) and way of clothing kinda brings shame on the whole race for some members who deem her unworthy. That's why she prefers hiding in those clothes to avoid problems in case she ends up crossing the path of someone else.

Oh, and the devil hides in details too. Did you notice the little patchwork of colors on her skirt? That's because her body is WAY too big for a normal skirt so she asked someone to cut it and sew it back to fit her waist :p

Ah, and for the stone hand, I had planned at some point to make it a potential element for a hentai scene, with some fingering for another girl or something like that 8D

Okay, let's move to the last part (I didn't lie when I said I had A LOT of things to say about her.)

Of course, Aleksia's weapons are axes. As you can see her skills revolved around protection and attacks. The whole earth-defensive set was more to be found in her unique passive skills through. Skill wise, I HAD to give her huge damaging skills as well. Can't wield such a big-ass axe and not have strong offensive skills.

Anyway, that's all for Aleksia.

And I apologize for saying that right now, but... Actually something changed in my mind while I was writing this. I will NOT detail everything about SoV3 in those Post Mortem posts. Because I spent too much time working on this universe to just throw it away through a couple of posts. 

So, I know many of you will not like what I'm going to say, but... I think I want to write SoV3's story down. Actually I don't "think"; I want to do it. After all, text alone isn't necessarily a no-go otherwise Corruption of Champion would be so succesful (even if there are drawings now). But something like a light novel with a little black & white picture every 50 pages to show stuff, that sounds interesting to me.

If I can't make it a game, writing the story is the best way for me create something tangible as I only need myself to do so. Can you guys bear with me and allow me to do that? I'd make two more posts about the two next party members because one of them is obvious and the second one isn't really a surprise either. And then, I'll stop. 

In return, I'll post chapters from time to time here and you'll be able to read it if you're interested. I have no idea how selfish it sounds (because I know that last time I mentioned "doujins" I got a bunch of negative comments of people saying "we're here for games only, if you don't, we're out". And it was just doujins (so mainly pictures.) Here I'm talking about a book.) And I don't plan on giving up on my project list at all. But I'd really love to share the story of SoV3 properly. 

After all, if you're able to enjoy what I write in my games, maybe I'll manage to make it enjoyable even without pictures? Can't tell unless I try. Feel free to say in the comment if you'd like to see it or at least if you understand my reasons ^^'

See ya o/




It's nice you're so engaged with the world you still want to make stuff for it, even if a game isn't viable. I would advise you to get some editing for it, however, since the biggest turn-off for a written story is bad grammar. Either way I'm looking forward to whatever the next thing you do is.


I'm a sucker for D&D and stuff (I was soooo in "Isekai Life in D&D" on Bad Kitty Games forum) so I would be totally down for a novel with artworks/sketch (like a game/anime artbook with all the "how we done it"). Plus it still hurt and I think it would be a "last stance" to at least give birth to that world... and who knows, maybe something good can go out from it? I'll totally spend at least a good amount thinking how to do a scenario at least xD (don't sue me please, I'm gonna keep it in my secret book pinky promise)


I would be a sucker for a novel (if the formatting and grammer is nice)!


To be honest I dont care much for a SoV3 Light Novel. I very much still would like to experience it as a game and if that's not going to happen I'll just move on. With that said. If you're that passionate about sharing the story I wouldn't hold it against you in any way if you wrote it down, I would still support you of course. Personally I am not going to read it though.


I really like the idea with the light novel, but i prefer the games, so if it is makeable to do both with a little time loss in the games im fine with it, especially when you have to wait for orders (for the games and you have idele time)....


Wouldn't mind if the "game/novel" played similarly to Corruption of Champions. Then in the future if you decided to add some CG the framework would all be ready.


I think is a good idea write the history like a book o light novel, if you want, do it, actually I think I will read this book if you do. Maybe this can make a whole new universe with a lot of lewd history to tell, and this maybe call the attention of artist who wants give life at your history, a lots of possibilities can came out of this, so do it make your head explode with this new world. But please never let the possibility of make the game out, I want to see this world and the possibilities who can bring to us.


Why not make a VN again?


Because VNs pose the exact same problem than RPG Maker. Combat content aside, everything that is leading to SoV3 cancellation is the same with a VN. We'd still need to spend ages on character design, I'd still have to find a new artist that I'd need to trust for a long project. There's even something that would arise as a problem that wouldn't be the case for an RPG Maker version: backgrounds. Can't aford to have generic backgrounds everywhere. Sure I can use bought content for forests, small towns etc... But I'd need someone to draw specific locations meaning having to have long background designs conversations etc... It's another loop of time/funds ^^' That's why writing is the best option in the current setting.