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Hello everyone!

Time for a shorter post with new character reveal 8D

I'm not going to beat around the bush and reveal everyone right away this time :p

You'll forgive the size difference, I have a definite canvas for sprites and when the characters don't fit, I use a 16:9 ratio, making them look much smaller (but you can click on the picture to see them better.)

So why am I showing everyone in the same batch? Because those three are related to each other so it's simpler to present them together.

First of all we have Dinah, which is the daughter of Tisha, the second woman. This is the first time I've been making a mother/daughter combo since Kaya/Akane and Carmen/Lizzie. Except that this time, I wanted it to be a REAL combo. As such, I tried to fiddle with morphing values to make it as credible as possible. In the case of Akane and Carmen, their daughters are just complete different younger models. Here, I started from Tisha's model and used different morphs to create Dinah. Of course, she has a youth morph, but I also added a couple extra elements so that she doesn't look TOO much like her mother, especially considering how Tisha's morphotype is pretty original.

She also retains Tisha's skin. I just made it a bit brighter. Personally, I like the result. The relation is much more credible than with the girls from Ominira ^^' Do I have to precise that I wanted a mother/daughter combo because it's hot? :x I do plan to have full families in the future with the father but in this precise case, the father is dead, and that's where the third character comes in play.

His name's Frank and he used to work in the same recon unit than Tisha's husband. His group fell in a trap laid by the Free Folks and everyone died beside him. He lost an eye in the combat and now runs a bar in town. He was a pretty good friend with Tisha's husband and that's why he's hiring her as a waitress in his bar even if he can't aford to pay her much (he doesn't really need a waitress, he's doing it out of compassion and she knows it.)

I have to admit that after creating some filthy guys I was like "what if I create a guy that was a bit hot looking?" Gotta admit that, as a man myself, I don't know if I succeeded, but he has the image I think of a man that could make most female of the game wet. Of course, even if it's not the plan for now as there are too many things to deal with, having Kaya starting to meet people who were confronted to the Free Folks can lead to tricky situations for her so there's food for drama, here :x

Anyway, that's all for today. I still have a few ones up my sleeve and I'll probably post AT LEAST one more post about gameplay or mapping or whatever stuff like that. So I should be able to keep a regular pace through May. There's still A LOT to do but hell am I motivated to put everything in place :D

See ya o/




I have a feeling that Frank will be onto Dinah for some reason~