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Hello everyone!

All good things come to an end! And the Slice of School Summer festival will be finished with that post. It doesn't mean I won't post anything anymore. I just won't post something every 3 days as I won't have enough content to keep up the pace x)

Let's start with the MC, shall we?


He's uh... Well he's pretty generic since he's supposed to be you. Or you're supposed to be him... Well you get the idea. As I already started explaining it in Karen's post, you'll be hired by Seth to be the science teacher against the possibility to keep working a researcher with Karen in your own lab. Of course, there's more to it than that but you'll have to play the game to discover it :p

I don't have much to say other than despite his angelic face he's supposed to be a huge pervert (like all of us 8D)

And with him, the whole cast has been completely unveiled. Considering that's a lot of characters to handle, I've made this recap chart to help you having a better view of the global cast.

That's quite the cast. We have characters from SoVO (Yuki/Ayame/Anaëlle/Seth/Esther/Mari/Kentaro/Hitoshi/Matsubo) SoV (Momoko/Akiko/Bunichi/Reiko) from SoV2 (Suzuko/Mio/Atsushi) and from Naomi's Past (Rika) which makes 17 characters from the SoV serie, 10 characters from The Hunter (it sounds less but the difference comes from the male characters all coming from SoV. Remove them and you have 12 vs 10), and 2 new exclusive characters: Karen and the MC.

Phew... So many possibilities 8D I hope you enjoyed all that preparation work and are eager to see how this is going to translate in the game. I'll post of a couple of things before the first release, but overall, the majority has been done.

Talking about release, here's the roadmap to the end of the year. If everything goes well, I'm planning a release of the demo at the end of this month (And I said "demo" which means that this won't be v0.1). That demo will serve two purposes: make you wait until v0.1 is ready and have something available for free when v0.1 will kick in so that people can test Slice of School and get (hopefully) interested in the project.

V0.1 is planned before Christmas. After that, I'll (finally) adopt the pace I was supposed to have last January: only 2 games and alternating updates one game at a time. Meaning I'll go back to The Hunter 2 in January.

That's it for the post! I'll see you next time o/




Very excited to see where this game will lead! Also can't wait for the continuation of TH2!


awww I thought the mc would be horse/pig/dog ;3


thinking "be patient, you need to be patient", can i be patient, in fact yes, i don't have the choice, but i'm excited to see the game, just take pause, i d'ont wan't your health deteriorate because you speed up.


Don't worry, despite me writing this news, I'm actually taking a break from SoVO at this very moment :p Want to be able to play a game or two before diving into SoS completely x)


Don't worry, you'll end up prefering the MC being a human (but you'll have to wait for the game to be ready to understand why ^^')


sad no naomi, but excited for this!