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Hey everybody! How are you doing? How is the year going for you? :3

I had quite the start X3

A couple of weeks ago I got covid, again x3 I’m fine now and the symptoms were very light. That same week my chair broke and had to buy a new one, and a day after that the lightbulb in my room died!

So I been having tons of bad luck XD I should buy whatever the opposite is of a lottery ticket (life insurance?)

In any case, everything is fine now :3 this month there’s going to be some Moni for valentines, some more sweet RWBY yuri and some No game no life stuff x3

See you around! :3



Glad you’re okay. And reading the word RWBY puts a smile on my face :D


Oh it did. You’re a most beautiful artist. The Ruby x Weiss one. Their eyes had such love and focus in them.


Also, give the other Dokis some love :3 They’re at their best, when they love each other <3