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https://strawpoll.com/polls/e2narEOEAgB Polls for next May! The polls will be open until 28 March.

About this month's work, I'm more satisfied with Babel animation actually, but turns out Lisa scene still have more download lol. Animating really does taking more time because animating more people. But POV turn's out really good in my opinion because it speed up animating without worrying the male animation too much. Maybe I will cater to POV animation in the future too. I'll try to make new position or cam position for future works maybe fingering animation next.

Lastly for I'm sorry abrupt information I want to close fanbox just for next month, but I can't it will have my pledging plans to be deleted. So I guess it is what it is and I want to let u guys know. We'll meet again in May and thanks again for supporting my works and I hope u guys will return and please, enjoy life as usual. Bye!




Take a good rest and see you in May


Shame that fanbox doesn't allow you to pause like patreon but see you in May!