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https://dl.orangedox.com/clcG4K Link for Scene data download.(Link moved to latest work)




Do you have any plans to upload the scene of Bronya?


The scene? I think there's not much edit on it. Just simple posing a character so i don't think i'll upload it. But i think about it.


I waited long. Thank you so much.


Yoooo excellent work here!


Hi,very good work. Just one question, the sound folder is empty, is it supposed to be like that?


Hi! Thanks for the great work! I want to ask how I can use other character for Marin's scene? After I imported other character, the collider for hair seemed to be acting weird, and I don't know how to adjust it.


1. Don't change the character first! but search and select Dynamic bone collider in "workspace menu" 2. Select KKPE then select adv.mode(advanced menu) 3. Here you can see which bone affected by collider on the animation. 4. Now you can change your character and turn off which collider not used like hair, skirt, etc. and let it on that used for animation (Penis, bust, etc). I'll update with pictures in Orangedox later too.


Thank you so much for the detailed instructions! I think I found the bones affected by collider, but KKPE's window is so small that makes editing a bit hard. Anyways thanks for the kind reply!


Ahh never mind, I found the option to adjust window size, thank you so much


Hello author. nice to meet you This is the first time I have paid with Fanbox. The timeline scene didn't move..what should I do?...


I think this month scene already work as intended. which scene do you mean? Try to restart studio and read "how to use" first.


hi, I have a similar question with hair, could you tell me which bones you remove?