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Well Fantia didn't last long. They deleted my account for having links to uncensored pics. I kinda expected it. I didn't want to rush into anything but I found myself doing just that to give people a landing space while I still had access to my followers list here.

But I made my Discord Channel here for news: https://discord.gg/J4BW3YHD You want to see the remaining, unpublished pics of the "Last Ride" series? Join the discord! Permissions are strict to keep ppl from spamming everyone. And I'm going to try and communicate news through regular Pixiv as well. That is where I'll communicate future moving plans.

So now that I've decided not to try and rush into things like I did with Fantia, I'm going to take this opportunity to say goodbye to you all before Pixiv shuts us down for good.

Thank you for supporting me over the past 2.5 years. The girls and I have made over 760 posts, hopefully you found one or two of them to be sexy. If you want to comment below on which posts/series you liked the most, that would make me smile and TBH I could kind of use that right now.

Thank you for donating to help the needy child we sponsored through Childrens International. Since we started we've donated over $1000 to her and her program. We also raised $250 for Ukrainian refugees earlier this year.

Thank you for putting up with the girl's shenanigans and not rolling your eyes too hard at my narrations.

Thank you to the super supporters who ordered commissions and gave me words of encouragement. A few times I've considered slowing or stopping this FB, but you all helped me keep going. (I still am taking commissions though!)

But really, whether you supported me from the very start or only joined for a month before realizing your mistake, I appreciate you.

So what now? Well...as you can see above, The Facility has graciously given the girls a well deserved holiday in Bali. While they run around and cavort in the sun, the Director will be at work back in the office trying to figure out where to go.

So...yeah. Guess that's it. It's midnight on Dec 24th in Japan right now so this post will probably still be viewable for another day or so. I hope you all have a very happy holidays!





I have a suggestion. - You could make a "unofficial" archive on Exhentai, i saw a few artists in the past that lost everything, while they had to pause their work for a while (system crash or other problems). - So long it's "just' as a hobby (or even commissions) you can still use Baraag as a home for future uncensored content. Outside these places i don't know where ells you can post 3D/loli/beast content without fear. That way it's possible to keep up your fan-base for future content and maybe some day you can migrate to substar.


He tried for a while. They still didn't approve his account.


It sucks that things have come to this. It's been great knowing you and the other fellow artists and friends <3


Thanks for everything, hope it's able to continue <3


Yeah, I'm hoping my discord will be a good enough platform to disseminate future info and share some pics. I'm not holding my breath for subscribe star though.


Yeah I'm on day 49 of waiting for approval. Another artist I know is on day 100+....


Thanks for everything. Your pics and stories always made me smile—among other things. Hope the Facility finds a new place to open for business. I'll keep an eye out on Pixiv for news. Best of luck!


Thanks Thatguy! Yes, I hope we can too! And join my Discord to see some unreleased pics I'll be posting soon!


I've greatly enjoyed the antics (and bodies!) of the girls at The Facility. The concept makes it seem like a candy store, while the girls are..well...wow, each one of them is my favorite! It's sort of like family "...with benefits..." Thanks for your wonderful work, the smiles and other effects created and all your time. I do hope everyone lands on their feet (or backs...or tummies...hands and knees...just about ANY position, really!) and may continue on... :)


Thank you Alice and the other girls for the great joy and pleasure during all the time! We will see what the future brings, it is a shame it has to end like this (for now). Take care and see you soon hopefully.


I hope they don't shutdown your regular pixiv. Also not sure how strict discord is about stuff we like.


Thank you WideEyes! We're so happy to have you here too, even if it's ending! The girls all loved making the pictures for you! Make sure to join my Discord and keep an eye on my regular Pixiv for news!


Thank you Mommy! The girls are sad too, but they're trying to stay positive and pop up again someplace. I hope they don't shut down main Pixiv too, and I think we should be fine with the Discord, I keep a very strict leash on it, I'm the only one that can share anything!