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Socrates, still tingling from the aftereffects of her massive orgasm, held the girl by the back of her hair, sure to look her in the eyes and treat her romantically as she began to kiss her face. The kisses were soft, light pecks at first. The girls seemed entranced by their first kiss in the jungle. Olivia's mouth opened and as Socrates' tongue peeked into her mouth. The foxgirl moaned. The slick wet tongue in the young girl’s mouth was unsuspecting and a tad naughty but Socrates' hand massaging the girl's nipples as she did it made OIivia frozen with pleasure. The pleasure of getting massaged while ridden drove her wild with lust, causing her tongue to snake out and taste the inside of her catgirl friend.

She tasted like honey and strawberries.

Their lewd kissing noises reverberated through the jungle trees as their hips ground into each other. They had originally been sent out to hunt food for the rest of the tribe...but this was *much* more fun.


Hope you enjoyed this series everyone!






Is it bad to rub one out to these pics??


"I think the girls would be insulted if you *didn't* rub one out! 😄" -The Director


When i get back from work, i will compliment them by rubbing another one out. Yea, i said it.


"Hmpf, you better! Otherwise I'll come to your house and make you cum myself! 😤" -Olivia


"This is actually a true story. Someone once did a cum tribute on a printed out picture of Alice and got a free commission out of it." -The Director