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"Happy Halloween everyone! Mean ol' Director won't let me be in the Halloween Contest because I'm out wanderin' the desert with Cappie here? Well I don't need his dumb contest anyways, I'll have mah own fun out here with Cappie and we'll show him!" -Felicity


Bethany: "Really? That's the best you can do? And what does a hot desert have to do with Halloween?"

Director: "Dude...GTFOH. She's already sad that she didn't get to be in the Halloween contest so I had to throw this up here. I can't have a Halloween but not have a costume post."

Bethany: "Hmph. Sounds more like bad planning to me."






Well I'll be darned! Ain'tcha a sight for sore eyes, little cowgirl? I'm glad to see you join in on the Halloween festivities, Felicity! We were waiting for you! Cute outfit by the way 😉


Are ye new here tenderfoot? Lemme tell ya sumthing sweetheart, there's only room for one cowboy/-girl here and that'll be me! They call me Arty the Kid and I have the fastest fingers in the west 👉 Let's have a little showdown, you and me...loser gets punished by the winner 😏 (Sorry but I have no clue how cowboys talk 😅)


Felicity thank goodness you're out here. I got lost and in need of some relief.


Aww poor Felicity! I’ll spend Halloween with you if you want! You can even have most of my candy, in exchange for some kisses of course!


Felicity, you look all hot and cute in that outfit! As a matter of fact, don't look now but I think Cappie agrees and wants ya to to something about it for him. I know I wanna see that... :)


<Bethany frowns and turns in annoyance at the Director> "See? Look! Now you got all these subs talking like this! You should've just let me do this series, then all they'd be able to focus on is me and the donkey semen!" -Bethany


"<giggle> Well how about you and I have a finger off? We can take turns playing with Cappie's cock and whomever makes him cum, wins! And the loser has to lick the cum off the winner's face! 😉" -Felicity


"Aww poor Golsen! Hehe luckily for you Cappie has some yummy liquid that you can drink to make you less thirsty! Hmm...unfortunately I'm gonna have to manually extract it from him. <giggle> You just sit back and watch and we'll have you all better in no time!" -Felicity


"<blush> Hmm....kisses from *me* or kisses from *you*? Hehe actually I'm okie with either! Or...both? 😘" -Felicity


"Awww poor Cappie, I just noticed that! He's gonna get all hot and bothered and he won't be able to walk correctly if he has that flopping about underneath him! You think I should take care of it, hmm? 😘" -Felicity