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Emily gazed lovingly into her sister's eyes as she kissed her lightly on the forehead. The soft moonglow reflected off their sweat slicked bodies. Sally was wordless...breathless. Her heart was pounding as her big sister climbed on top of her. Sally could feel the massive heat emanating from her big sister's crotch. It was as if a soft burning fire was being placed directly on top of her knee as her sister gently ground her pussy into her thigh. Emily's soft, loving finger slowly lifted Sally's chin to look up at her. "Shh...sweetie...I'm so happy to know you wanted me too..." Sally wanted to say something...anything...to affirm her love for her big sister. But Emily didn't need anything of the sort. She leaned down and gently kissed her sister on the lips...soft at first...her lips nibbling at her sister's like a baby on a mother's nipple. Sally hesitated at first...then slightly leaned upwards into the kiss. Their slick lips danced over each other, soon followed by Emily's tongue. Sally had never been kissed before, but to feel her sister's tongue meet hers in the middle of a hot passionate kiss like this...was heaven.




Terrific set! Thanks to the commissioner for allowing it to be shared!