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" It's soooooo smol and cute! I love it! Girls always go on and on about how they love big cocks and blah blah blah but I love all sizes. I think big ones are nice because they really fill and stretch me out and you can totally feel every single vein massaging my pussy walls when they're inside me....but small ones are great too! One of my favorite things to do is with a shota...if he's still soft because he's nervous or whatever, I love putting his entire limp cock in my mouth and I suck and lick on it until I actually feel it growing erect while it's inside there! And that's what I got to do with Pudgy!

Hehe he was squirting precum the whole time too, I think because he was so excited. I loved looking into his little beady eyes while I sucked on him! And I even brought over his favorite stuffed animal to hug while I blew him! I love hugging my lovies while having sex, it makes me feel like such a little girl while being taken care of by a big strong man!" -Alice






Smol is best 🐶 Speaking of smol...those cute toesies look really suckable 🤤 Ahem, back to the topic...eye contact during oral sex is simply awesome, especially when it's a cutie like you doing it...I could drown in your beautiful eyes!


This series really is all about adorableness, isn't it? "Cute" isn't usually the first word that comes to mind when you think of a little loli girl sucking a dog's cock – more like "hot" and "sexy". But this is enough to make a grown man's heart melt 😭 And I mean it! You look so precious with Pudgy's tiny peepee in your mouth, Alice! It's like you're gently sucking on a juicy strawberry popsicle 🥰


"<giggle> Well eye contact during all sex is so important! Staring into each other's eyes while you both orgasm is sooooo intense!" -Alice


"<blush> Well...it does taste good! It's different than a human's penis but it's still so much fun to be this intimate and erotic with such a little cutie like Pudgy! Hehe I think it'd be cuter if Pudgy and I was allowed to play with another little red headed cutie too! 😉" -Alice