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" So I heard you guys like girls kissing huh? Well luckily for you it's one of my favorites too! (actually come to think of it...a lot of sex things are my favorite...) But this kiss before the sex really starts to happen...that's the real bit. I love kissing innocent little things like Felicity, knowing that I'm going to totally dominate them. Kinda like a tiger playing with his prey before eating them, yes? Even better how she's wrapping her legs around me! I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Felicity, but she always tries to be so intimate and romantic when she's having sex. But sometimes...sometimes you just gotta release your carnal instincts and...you know....go at it like rabbits!" -Erin




Wowie wow...this is getting really exciting already! Erin, how does the soft lips and wet tongue if your "prey" taste like? Go get her tiger! 😊 Hehe how does it feel to know that Erin is about to "devour" you Felicity? Can't blame her though, you look like a delicious snack! I would love to sink my teeth (and tongue 😉) into you too.


Such a beautiful and wonderful kiss… The dance of the tongues is entrancing, even the lady in the poster can't get her eyes off you! And Erin, I know that you want to go wild on Felicity (and understandably so, just look at that sexy latex-clad doll!), but take your time with her. She's a fragile little girl that needs to be handled with care. You wouldn't want to break her, would y… Wait no. You would actually want to break her, wouldn't you? 🤔 Eh, whatever. If the Queen decrees…


The way her little ankles lock behind Erin tells you just how much Felicity is getting into those yummy kisses! And both of them closing their eyes... I knew they were romantics at heart! It makes me love them even more! Erin can't fool me, I know inside she's probably a romantic softie too.. and who could blame her with how precious Felicity it?


"<blush> hehe awww I know Erin would never hurt me though, she only hurts shotas! And I dunno about you using your teeth silly! Your tongue though...you can use that wherever you want! 😘" -Felicity


"Hey, she lost her virginity to a freaking unicorn! I'd say she's already well broken in, wouldn't you?? But fine, I'll take it easy on her. I'll just use my...*second* largest strapon on her, how about that? I mean, that's what being a girl at The Facility entails, and if Gregor and Brutus can handle it then I'm sure our little Felicity can too, right? Ye of little faith... 😝" -Erin


"Haha sweetie, of course I'm a romantic! I'd never eat a girl out or stick my strapon deep inside their anus without a deep French kiss! And Felicity always loves wrapping her legs around people when she's being intimate with them. She likes to claim that it's so she can bring them in closer so she can snuggle and cuddle with them while they're making love...but know it's really so that she can make sure that they can't escape until she's done with them. But shhhhh... 🤐" -Erin