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Olivia was a little nervous. Or...a lot nervous. Not like she could show it though. She knew that getting admitted and enrolling at The Facility was not for the faint hearted, and if she showed any sort of weakness she knew that girls such as Erin or Kaori would pounce on her.

Or sodomize her.

Not like she'd mind that, but still.

Either way, as Nurse Bethany walked up to the examination table she had to swallow the nervous lump in her throat. Olivia was naked as the day she was born, but Bethany...she was glammed up to the max. She loved cosplay and getting to be a sexy nurse was perfect for her. She didn't think that the FanBox subscribers liked cosplay that much so the Director never let her do any series in it, so this was as close as it got for her. (Not like it stopped her from doing it in secret. One time she painted her body like Harley and did a whole camgirl show while masturbating and playing Genshin) Plus it made her feel like a grownup, getting dressed up like this and then seducing little girls like Olivia. Bethany batted her long lashes at Olivia as she caressed her thighs lovingly. "Now then..." Bethany whispered, "I'm supposed to do a complete checkup to make sure that you're fit and ready to handle the vigors of life here at The Facility!" She lifted Olivia's chin, her pussy already moistening at the sight of Olivia's perky lips and inviting mouth. "And I'm going to have to be very...very thorough."




Ok, who's against sexy cosplays? Show youselves! 👹🔪 Jokes aside...you look stunning Bethany! The Cutie-Beth version is nice but the Sexy-and-mature-Beth is absolutely incredible! I would love to get examined by you too...or better yet, by you and Olivia together because that naked fox girls looks quite stunning herself. I could eat up that delicious looking cutie 😏


"Ooooh, you wanna come play doctor with us? Yaaay! You know, I've learned a few "medical" tricks from Nurse Bethany. I would love to try them out on someone! Just… promise that whatever happens, you won't cry, okay?" -Olivia


Hm...that's mildly concerning...but extremly exciting too, I'm in!


Bethany, you look positively ravishing in that outfit! The vibrant pink and pure white work so well on you! I'm sure anyone would look for any excuse to come get a checkup, just so they could get a few more peeks of you looking so beautiful~


"Ooooooh a new commenter!!! Welcome!!! <Alice and Felicity get excited and pokes their heads in the door before Bethany slams it shut again> Hehe but thank you! I love dressing up! I know I'm not supposed to dress like this normally but Dr. Yamanako left me to do the examination on little Olivia here and you know the saying...'A girl's gotta look her best!' And you know...since you're new here too, I think that you need your own checkup! Have a seat in the waiting room, I'll be with you right after I finish with Olivia! 😘" -Bethany


Heehee, I'll wait then! But take your time, you should be thorough with her and... enjoy your work! My heart needs some time to calm down anyway, or I might fail my examination!


"Aww sweetie I'd never let you fail! <giggle> Even if you do bad, I'll work together with you in private training sessions to get you up to tip top shape! 😘" -Bethany