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" Well fine, I guess I can show you guys the rest of the pics I took that day! But just so you know...Pudgy does get involved later so the Director says that it's going to have to move to the Bestiality tier! Anyways....uhm....so....I guess I got carried away? I can't help it though! I was trying to pose sexy in front of the camera but every time I heard the self-timer go off I got hornier and hornier! So then I started touching myself like the girls in Bethany's porn magazines and videos were doing...and it felt so good! (hehe...I'm not supposed to know about those either, but she doesn't do a very good job of hiding them on her computer either...)"






I get a feeling she put them in an obvious place intentionally for you to discover...Bethany might act like the caring older sister (which she is, sweet and caring 🥰) but she got a very (very!) naughty side too. And thanks to her ingenious scheme we get to see some sexy pics of you! 😍 Oh, it looks like you woke Pudgy up...


Hee, you look absolutely gorgeous in that picture. Slowly succumbing to lust, yet calm and happy, like everything is as it should be... which, knowing you, it is.


"Hehe that is very true, it's a good thing she doesn't know that I know about all the weird fetishes and kinks she has! (and vice versa...😉)" -Alice


"<blush> Yeah...I didn't start getting into the really kinky stuff until later! At this point it was all about just exploring my body!" -Alice