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And now we continue our tour of The Facility!


"Here at the Facility we run through a rather high number of shotas per year, mostly due to medical reasons, kidnappings, or Dr. Yamanako. To account for this shortfall The Facility has a state of the art shota training facility where young boys are put through a variety of exercises designed to turn them into pure sexual energy. Here we have young Loki being put through his paces on The Edger. The Edger stimulates both their minds and their bodies while also teaching them to withhold their orgasms until their Master allows it. After being hooked up to the bondage apparatus, the VR headset provides them a constant feed of hardcore pornography. The subject must keep his eyes open throughout the entire program. If the headset senses the closing of eyes for more than five seconds, a painful electrical shock is administered. Meanwhile, the penile stimulator portion of the machine caresses and stimulates the penis while the anal probe penetrates his rectum. Loki is doing rather well here, enduring the machine for over ten hours at this point. If the machine detects that the user is coming close to orgasm then the actuators cease movement until the shota has returned to a safe level.

This machine is designed to be self sufficient with zero oversight, meaning that shotas can be left hooked up for as long as desired by the trainer. Alternatively, the program can be run manually and be used to bring the shota to edge as many times as the trainer would like in order to bring him to maximum sexual frustration. Most trainers aim for a withholding time of at least four hours, but it looks like this trainer is feeling rather sadistic today..." -The Director






Now who would be so cruel as to edge poor Loki for more than 10 hours? Too bad the trainer is turning their back on us, so we'll never know who they actually are… Don't mind me though, I'm just going to grab a chair and… enjoy the rest of the session, however long it may take. Loki is a beautiful catboy, and he's wearing such a stimulating outfit, so I'm in no hurry to see the big finish. If his trainer even lets him finish in the end, that is 😉


Hold up...long red hair, cute fox ears...unfortunately the machine is hiding, which I assume is, a sexy little butt that I could recognize instantly. Hm, somehow she seems rather familiar...🤔 And can we talk more in detail about the shota problem? Medical reasons - yeah, with that many sex crazed girls I understand that. Mistress Yamanako - yeah...that makes sense too... But kidnappings? 😅


Loki: -Makes lewd moanings and mews which come off as unintelligible- Popo: What I think Loki is trying to say is that we were preparing for your arrival after we heard you made it to the Doctor's office. You took some time so I just left him up there waiting for you.... "over 10 hours", try since Late-May. Might keep him there for a little while longer if you want to take a seat over there Xil... wait why are you sitting on the other Edger machine? Also... may need to punish you Arty for forgetting my name -hiss-


Ok, there are too many red haired girls around at the Facility now (though I don't mind at all since it's my favorite color)! But I agree that I deserve a long and thorough punishment from you...I wonder what it will be 😏


What? Oh, well you see, I find the technology behind the machine fascinating, so I thought I'd give it a try. For- for science, of course! What better way to understand its working than by trying it for myself? Haha… Now, be a dear and just… turn it on. Please 😳 And Arty, it was nice knowing you. But one does not simply anger Popo and expect to come out of it unscathed… or at all. Don't worry though, I'll tell Dr Yamanako that you went out with a bang…


That's very kind with you Xilda but I can assure you that after serving Mistress Misaka for a while I can handle it...probably...maybe not in one piece but still...