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Bethany giggled to herself as little Lea knelt on top of the desk and displayed her tight little anus to the entire class. She seemed nervous...but not overly so. She had the air of a girl who was excited and apprehensive...and horny.

She'd felt the same way the first time she'd stripped naked in front of her class for her masturbation presentation when she was Lea's age. But now it was Lea's turn. The fourteen year old smiled gently as she bent down towards the six year old's anal ring...and gently flicked her tongue along the outside. "Mmmm...." she giggled as she ran the flat of her tongue across it, making Lea softly moan with pleasure "you taste super yummy! And you make such cute noises when I do this too!" Bethany stole a glance at the raptured class. "See, when a girl gets licked like this, it always makes her flushed and turns her cheeks red and cute! Doesn't Lea look so pretty like this?" Lea blushed brightly and nodded in affirmation... "But you know, if you want to *really* go deep then you need a little bit of help! That's why I brought along some horse cum that I harvested fresh this morning!"

With that stunning announcement, Bethany took a huge swig from her Thermos...and while creating a seal around Lea's anus proceeded to blow outwards, shooting her anus full of steaming hot horse semen.






*Diligently takes notes* Interesting, is horse semen a better lubricant than your saliva? 🤔