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"Oh puppie....I've got your bone right here!" giggled Erin as she stood up from the bed and thrust her hips in Kaori's direction. The ivory white phallus waved playfully in the air as the bodypainted puppy squealed and knelt on the floor, panting like a dog. Their anal plug tails both waved in the air as Kaori began to lick and suck on the dildo. Erin moaned. She was a big fan of The Facility's special high tech strapons. It had 150 sensors in the dildo that could transfer equal amounts of stimulation directly to the clitoris of the user.

Which was exactly what it was doing now. As the drool seeped out of Kaori's mouth from her lavishing of the dildo, Erin was in rapture. It was as if her clit had been enlarged and this little Japanese ten year old puppy girl was slathering her tongue all over it...






*Holds back the urge to make a lame joke involving bones and boners* What a hungry little Japanese ten year old puppy you are! If you don't slow down you might choke on a bone! Well...I guess this cute little kitty will make you choke anyway 🤔 Damn, I still made a lame joke 😅


"<frowns> I think perhaps I'll have to stick my foot in your mouth to keep you from making such ridiculous jokes in the future. Do you agree?" -Dr. Yamanako


Yes! Yes, yes, yes! *Cough* That would be a very good and efficient solution to that problem, Mistress Misaka.