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"Under this part of the tour we will be visiting the BDSM Dungeons. The lower levels of The Facility is where the girls and boys are trained for their life of sexuality. All are bound to a strict regimen.

For the first two weeks, training starts at 0700 when they are securely bound to the training chair and dildo attachments positioned for maximum stimulation. From 0700 until 2300, seven days a week, various pornography videos are shown to the slave. Days 1-2 are softcore porn, but the intensity gradually increases to violent hardcore by Day 5. All manners of fetishes and kinks are shown to the slave to maximize their openness and sexual excitement. Fetishes shown include (but are not limited to): Homoerotica, BDSM, bestiality, incest, and insertions.

To increase the excitement of the slave to a level of constant sexuality, the vibrating dildo is equipped with a sensor that detects when the slave is close to orgasming. When climax is approaching, the machine immediately withdraws the dildo until the slave comes down, upon which stimulation continues. After only two weeks, this tactic has been shown to induce a state of 100%, constant arousal for the rest of their lives. At The Facility we double this length of training to ensure that the slave is at peak hypersexuality." -The Director






"Violent hardcore porn"...scary...yet I'm intrigued to know what exactly that contains 😏 Hm, why is Soc tied to the training chair? She's way past the beginner training...unless she volunteered to do it again... 🤔


Interesting… I had figured that the extreme levels of arousal displayed by the residents of The Facility were an innate feature, but it is obviously more of a trained behaviour. Which is a good thing in a sense, because if I understand it correctly, it means that The Facility is not restricted to specific predisposed individuals, but can shape anyone to become a performing slave. Although I am sure that some of them are naturally that horny anyway 😉 By the way, are boys also trained with dildos or are they offered penile stimulation instead? Not that a good old prostate massage wouldn't probably do the trick, of course… In any case, Soc seems to be enjoying her training very much. Maybe even a bit too much… I wish it was livestreamed though, I would love to watch her be denied orgasm over and over again 😈


Popo: Walks over to Soc and gently strokes her hair as she is attached to the machine. "Oh my little sister considers this her new cinema, she usually comes in here to watch the latest flicks while being sexually frustrated at the same time. But this time she is re-watching the entire feed of our cum drinking competition she lost last year~"


Popo: "Hmmm, are you hinting that you might like a try at the machine and become a little horny performing slave, Xilda? I am not supposed to be strapping adults to this machine but -looks around anxiously-, I am sure the Director wouldn't mind if I hooked you up for an extended sesssion~" Popo walks over to a panel and replaces 14 days with 14 months. "Care to sit down?"


Oh I wasn't event thinking of that… But sure! I have some time to spare! *Jauntily walks towards the machine and sits down* All right Popo, I'm ready! You can start my slave training now! Boy oh boy, this is gonna be a fun couple of weeks :D