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"Hello everyone. The Facility prides itself in its philanthropic donations, and we continue to donate monthly to children in need. However now we find a new issue that we think requires attention as well. It pains everyone here at The Facility to see the senseless violence and pain that is being inflicted during Russia's invasion in Ukraine. We cannot help much, but would like to do what we can. As such we would like to announce that for the next seven days until March 15th 1200 GMT, 100% of the proceeds from new subscriptions will be donated to The National Bank of Ukraine or the UN Refugee Agency (has not been decided yet, but could be 50/50) to aid in their efforts to help the people of Ukraine. I do not anticipate that this will help much and will be but a single raindrop compared to the aid that is being given worldwide, but drops are what oceans are made of. The girls of The Facility and I want to help in any way we can, no matter how small. Thank you."


Erin: "That tank...can I..."

The Director: "No you cannot have sex with it."

Erin: "What about that machi-"

The Director: "This press conference is adjourned."

Erin: "No fair...how come Alice and Bethany and Felicity get to play with the tank?"






"In the spirit of full disclosure, I should probably note that technically it's not 100% of the money. Pixiv takes 10% of your subscription money and I get the rest, so really it's 90%. But saying "90% of your money will be donated" sounds kind of lame." -The Director




Is Bethany holding a f-ing tank shell casually like a club? Shesh, she's gonna "bonk" some fools...or stick it up their ass...cough...where the sun don't shine 💪😎


Well the pointy part of the round she is holding is literally called the "penetrator". That is a APFSDS round.


I am rooting for Ukraine. But I admit I kinda want to see some really mean dogs with a letter Z painted on their side emerge from the woods.


"<blush> I will admit that I signed up to be the loader because I liked shoving these huge shells up the tank barrel!" -Bethany


"Hmmm that is an interesting idea...I will file that one away for later." -The Director