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"Good evening everyone. As you have most undoubtedly noticed, I have been absent lately from the pictures on this Fanbox. The reason for this is that I was recently invited to a ceremony to be given an award for my research into the improvement of sexual stamina levels in the girls at The Facility. Of course I was happy to attend and add this trophy to my mantle, but I was equally as thrilled to be allowed to bring a guest and perform on stage.

This is my indentured servant, Juliette. I have withdrawn her from The Facility so that I may show my sexual prowess on stage, and she has proven herself to be quite submissive." -Dr. Yamanako




I didn't think it was possible but you're looking even more gorgeous than usual in that elegant dress, Mistress! It's also good to see you get awarded for your hard work and groundbreaking research towards making the "sexual act" even more pleasurable! Though I didn't do anything I still feel proud that my Mistress achieved so much 🥰 And she has picked a cute maid to attend her during the ceremony 😏


... and sadly, Arty isn't the one trailing behind her in the maid uniform. Or are they perhaps in an equally cute maid uniform behind the camera~