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Director: "Why are you here? You're supposed to be in school."

Erin: "It's lunchtime. We don't like the food at the cafeteria so we snuck out and saw you sitting here alone."

Felicity: "Do you not have any friends to eat with? We can eat with you if you're lonely!"

Director: "I have friends! I have lots of friends!"


Director: <...uncomfortable. tries to change the subject> "Anyways...why are you wearing latex school uniforms? What happened to your normal uniforms?"

Erin: "We have to wear these because the ones the school gave us are cloth and the semen soaks into them and we can't lick it off."

Director: "Wha... Whatever. What do you want anyways? I'm trying to work."

Erin: "The next series has Felicity and I having sex in her bedroom. Can we bring in a bull or donkey for some extra fun?"

Director: "No, all you two do is have weird sex. The only things that Felicity has done since she started her is have sex with unicorns and horses and tentacles and Anubis, and frankly you're in a similar boat Erin. I want you two to have normal sex so you can show that you're not freaky weirdos."

Felicity: "Awww...that's no fun."

Erin: "Pfft. Whatever. I know what's really up. The Director painted himself into a corner since Alice is having sex with a chimpanzee and Bethany and Kaori are soon gonna be having wild pony sex. So he has to have a non-bestiality series otherwise the 1st tier people won't have anything. It's called 'poor planning'."

Director: "Whelp, gotta go."




Oof, poor Director. Don't be so mean to him (be "mean" to me instead 😏) he's trying his best 😅 Normal sex is also nice! Besides...it doesn't have to be vanilla...just something without animals for the 1st tier people 😉


Oooh looking forward to this one


Hey, if the Director's blunder gets us an entire series with you two absolute cuties, then I'll gladly take it! Plus you don't necessarily need to bring in a horse or whatnot to make it interesting, hmm? And without any distracting third party, it'll be the perfect opportunity for you to show off your delightful young bodies while you make sweet, sensual love to each other. And those beautiful eyes… Mmh, you haven't even done anything yet and I'm already captivated…


"<blush> Well I'm kinda looking forward to it...I imagine it'll be just like my future wedding night! Nice, quiet, intimate sex!" -Felicity


"Hehe...I suppose it will be fun to play with Felicity, without that wierdo Anubis poking his big schlong around everywhere this time! And yes, this time you can concentrate just on Felicity and I! Think of it as...a tryout for the next slot in your commission!" -Erin


Hmmm, was Anubis ever captured? I would hate for him to suddenly barge into the scene. I guess that is what the Director can be occupied with, wining, dining and entertaining the god :3


"I hate to admit it, but no, he was never recaptured. The last I heard he was seen wandering around the bushes around Wonderland. So...he's their problem now." -The Director