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"The really exciting thing about the Pretty Pony club is that we get to go out in public and promote both the club and The Facility as a whole! Today after lessons Kaori and I got to go down to the plaza in the city and parade around to promote awareness of ponygirls and to show everyone what we're capable of! Although...I will admit that I kind of wanted to do this really just because I like being out in public like this... Just seeing all these people eyeing my body while I'm dressed in my bondage gear and super submissive pony hooves gets me sooo horny! Hehe plus since I'm the leader of the club I get to wear my special pony plug tail! Don't you think it's cute? Once I break Kaori in then maybe I'll let her wear one too, but for now...I want her anus clear and open for another reason.😈" -Bethany






Bethany being dominant again? Nice, I love that 🤤 Break Kaori in nice and slowly, I heard that she is quite a troublemaler 😉 ...that guy in the brown jacket (top right) even got a camera to film what you do 🤣


I actually was wondering when I first clicked on this post why Kaori wasn't wearing her tail butt plug, but I see she hasn't earned it yet! You'll really have your work cut out to tame that one, Bethany, because she's a wild one! But who knows, maybe you'll prove to be even wilder… 😏 I'm also surprised there isn't more of a crowd around you two. You'd think that two sexy ponies parading around town would attract a much bigger audience than that! Eh, I'm sure people will come (wink-wink) once you start prodding Kaori's tight little ponyhole with that mighty horse cock of yours…


Kaori, I don't know if you can take the whole length of that thing as Bethany plans to apply it, but I sure hope you'll try. Perhaps it will take a "bit by bit" approach, but I hope your bum will eventually be able to swallow up the whole length in a single stroke. No doubt the arch that would put in your back would be epic!


"<giggle> Don't you know me by now? I can be...whatever...you...want...me..to be... 😉" -Bethany


"Hmph! I wanted one but Bethany told me that I wasn't old enough for one! I think she's just being a big meanie, she just wants it to whip around all pretty and stuff while she's sticking her big dildo inside me. But yes, don't you worry, I'll be sure to earn mines soon! And there is a crowd, they're just too shy to be in front of the camera ogling two underage girls! Same how most of the subscribers here are too shy and comment and say "hi" to us!" -Kaori


"Hey I can definitely take it! Felicity isn't the only one who can take a horse cock you know! But don't worry, I'll show you how deep I can take it real soon!" -Kaori


Great! but the strap over the nose is illogical! Either leave out the straps or add a strap that goes from the nose to the strap on the forehead. I know why the head harness is flash. Because the harness is offered in 3D. other artists have also used this harness. But artists who create themselves, it looks different!