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Since they're in last and second to last place, the Director has allowed Felicity and Erin one picture together to try and claw themselves back into contention. If you haven't already voted, do so here!

Erin: "Look at us! An Irish ten-year old dressed all in latex, fucking the brains out of a submissive little nine year old. How could you not vote for us??"

Felicity: "I know! We weren't even going to have sex here at the market, we originally came here to get ice cream and cheer ourselves up!"

Erin: "Yeah but you know how horny you get when you're out in public in your latex suit!"

Felicity: "I know...you can already see how wet I am. I can't help it though! Just the thought of so many people masturbating to me makes me super wet down there!"

Erin: "Well then...better not keep them waiting..."






I'm holding onto my vote until we hear from all the candidates, but these two are off to a helluva good start...! :)


"Haha aww...thank you WideEyes! But the Director only let Erin and I do this one pic because we're in last place! So none of the other girls get to do a special one like this! We're glad you like it though! 😘" -Felicity


Is that the reason girls take to long when shopping? Just joking, if *that's* what you do I completely understand...take your sweet time and give the audience a show they won't forget 🥰 I unfortunately already used my vote. I voted for "Team dominant" but not for you Felicity....you did so well in the last contest so I wanted to show my support to others. I'm sorry my little sweetheart 😿


You know, in my eyes all the girls at The Facility are beautiful and perfect in their own unique ways, which is why I voted for everybody. But to be completely honest, I'm especially rooting for you two. Erin, the Irish sex goddess whom I would follow to hell and back just for a chance to feel her dominant love through the tip of her crop, and Felicity, the seemingly innocent little girl who hides the most lustful of desires and an insatiable thirst for cum behind her sparkling puppy eyes… Please don't tell the others, but if I absolutely had to pick my favourites, it would probably be you two 😘


"<giggle> Of course! I mean, what do you think private dressing rooms are for? Trying on clothes? Pfft... And it's okie that you voted for someone else Arty! I still love you! 😘" -Felicity


"Awww hehe thank you Xilda! It really means a lot to all of us that you love us equally! But it means *even more* that we're your favorites! Perhaps in the future Erin and I can put on a private little show just for you? Maybe we can even invite a special animal friend of your choosing, hmm? 😉" -Felicity